Site Development

We know how to make any idea real
The Internet has been an integral part of our lives for many years. This is especially true for people who have their own business or a non-commercial project. Regardless of the direction, any modern person begins to declare his or her child in the open through the Internet.
Someone is limited to creating thematic publicity in social networks, but more seriously interested businessmen raise the important issue of the need for their own Internet resource. In simple words, they are interested in developing a website from scratch.
And for a reason, because the Internet shop of a wide range of subjects (for example – auto parts, household goods, gadgets) – can not fit in one small group in social networks. The functionality of publicity allows a little, and the entire range of goods to present the most visually convenient way simply is not possible.
In addition, having a separate site, you know exactly that you promote only your brand and services. It warms your soul, doesn’t it?
Okay, so, uh… You decided to create a website. In the head, for sure, there is a large volume of questions of varying importance. You do not know what to grasp and what to pay attention to first of all.
Today, we will try to find out with you this by dividing the long process of birth of your online resource into several stages.
Define the theme of the site
First of all, we need to clearly decide what the Internet resource is needed for and what exactly it will provide to the user, because it can be a commercial site (an online store that provides a large-scale range of goods), and educational, or information site, which has a lot of useful articles on different topics.
It is very important to have formulated and proposed goals, because a clear picture of your ideas in the eyes of the performer will greatly simplify the task of implementing the future site, and significantly simplify the process of dialogue and cooperation as a whole.
After all, if you have not fully realized why your project to appear in the global Internet, most likely you will cause indignation at each stage of the work performed by the performer, because since the beginning of cooperation, you have already several times completely changed the concept of the site.
As a result – the lost money in combination with nerves, and the site itself will have an unclear image that will unfairly add extra points to your competitors in the market. And with a pleasant cooperation with the person who took on your order, the relationship, of course, ends on the same scenario:
In case there is a mutual understanding between everyone and you collectively move forward to the implementation of the site, it is necessary to decide in parallel with the one who is your target audience. This directly affects the format in which any information on your Internet resource will be provided.
Do not neglect this stage of work. A good analysis and study of your future audience will allow you to have trumps up your sleeve:
- You understand better than you can interest visitors, thereby increasing the guarantee of their transformation into potential customers.
- You more correctly define the future design of the site.
- You become clear what should be the text content of your resource.
It is very important that the visitor, coming to your site, from the first seconds realized that he made the right choice by clicking on your link in the search engine, thereby ignoring the competitors.
Create Terms of Reference (ToR) for website development
At this stage, it is necessary to create a document that will describe in the most detailed way even the most concise subparagraph of the task, not to mention the major points. We are writing:
- The main objectives of the site and describe the target audience (CA).
- We define the skeleton of the future Internet resource in the form of a developed structure: the number of sections and their internal pages.
- We formulate the main guidelines for the appearance of the site: the main colors, preferred style and other points;
- Describe the work of dynamic modules;
- The main requirements for the future Internet resource of a technical nature;
- Which technologies will be used (PHP, HTML, etc.);

The ToR – the basic document defining the further working directions on the development of the site, so it is extremely important to control that each item was worked out to the smallest detail, repeatedly checked, agreed, and, subsequently, agreed between the contractor and the customer.
We create a design for our website
Now it’s time to prepare the ground for further design work. Using all the necessary software, the designer begins to create a design of pages for your future project, taking into account all the necessary elements (from the buttons on the site and ending with banners).
Planning the future appearance of the Internet resource, you should pay special attention to the possibility of implementing adaptive design. Why?
The current screens of monitors can have a variety of resolutions and in this case we focus on the width, because the size in pixels can be absolutely different: if before this range was from 640 to 1024, now it has expanded significantly, especially given the regular process of development of large-format resolutions.
That’s why there is an important moment when we need to decide how the site will look more attractive on all the resolutions.
Adaptive design functionality allows you to automatically adjust to any width of the screen, whether it is a phone, tablet, laptop or large monitor. However, for the correct implementation of adaptive design, we need the help of a person who is responsible for the layout of the site.
We’re going to do the layout.
Now that the customer has seen the impeccable layout of the site from the designer and gave the good – in battle comes the designer. This person will have to easily translate the design layout using programming skills, using the knowledge of languages understood by the computer.
It is the maker of the design makes the design adaptive, so that it looks good on any device.
Let’s start programming
Now comes the key stage of creation of the future site. In this period of work occur the most important things:
- developed functionality, previously described in the ToR;
- is being developed, or an administrative panel for content management is being connected;
- layout “stretches” on the written functionality
- the main structure of the site is formed;
So, after the implementation of all of the above, we are ready to “fish”. This is a naked site with no information content. It is quite logical that the next step will be to fill the site with information.
Fill the resource with content
Approximate terms of this stage of work is rather difficult to estimate at once – everything comes down to the size and complexity of the project, including the amount of information to be placed on the pages of the Internet resource. Also, an important role is played directly by the type of submission of this very information by the customer.
If everything is received in electronic form, and any graphic element does not need additional processing – the whole process can happen quite quickly. As practice shows – this happens rarely: most often it is necessary to search for and set of additional texts, as well as refinement of graphic content, because this stage can take a long time.
It should be noted that in case there is a lot of content, and it is in a structured form, you can involve a programmer to import the content.
We have our website on the Internet
Of course, it is not always necessary to postpone this moment until the end of the above mentioned works on the project. This part of the work consists only in the fact that the site files are located on the hosting and can be implemented in parallel with the implementation of any other steps.
Testing our online resource
This is the long-awaited moment of verification of the implementation of all items of the carefully drafted ToR and the general analysis of painstaking work by bona fide performers. Testing can be done both on the test domain, and immediately after the transition of the site to the main address.
Here our task is to identify all the shortcomings in terms of programming, as well as errors that need to be corrected. It concerns not only programming, but also text filling of pages.
Well, now it remains only to congratulate you, because from now on you are the happy owner of your own, steadily working and bright site! Now your task is to monitor your online resource and not to allow the possibility that all the work done can go to waste.
Do not forget to update the information on the site as necessary, as well as monitor the technical aspects, because it is very important that the search engines displayed only working links to your web resource.