Web technologies are developed by clients

Development Web always occurs in two areas closely connected among themselves, conditionally they can be divided into technologies and “application”. Usually, the development of technology is due to the area of “application”, this is due to the growing needs of users.
For an example, remember how the Internet pages looked like in the late nineties, then it was considered a full-fledged site and to create a large amount of time and effort, and in the end it was impossible even to send a message to another user, what to say about online stores, their implementation was simply physically impossible.
Now every self-respecting entrepreneur has at least one online store whose products are automatically synchronized with the products in all real stores, all international companies have internal “social networks” that allow you to timely notify colleagues about various activities and coordinate the workflow, but all this would not have been possible without decisive action from the owners of these sites.
With the advent of technology to generate pages of the site “on the fly”, there was a need to place sites on specially created for this hosting, which was quite costly and required special skills.
With the development of JavaScript technology, we had to abandon the support of some browsers, the existence of which now no one will remember.
At first sight it limited a circle of users who can take advantage of a site, on the same as practice has shown, not to one person able to press the left button of a mouse will not make effort to change a browser or to update its version when the information on how to make it is presented correctly and occupies no more than two-three minutes.
Thus, there was a kind of selection among applications that allow you to use the WWW and now thanks to this selection, we can use not just static pages and sites where the content is generated automatically when you log on to the site, or click on a link, and applications that analyze the user’s actions and allow you to respond to them without any reboots.
Over the past two years, World Wide Web is gradually moving to the next level of development, which is no less important than described above, this level is HTML5.
HTML5 is by no means a separate language for creating websites, it is a big mistake that has spread because of the presence in the name of the abbreviation Hyper Text Markup Language, which is key to the WWW, in fact it is a complex of the latest versions of the languages CSS, HTML, JS, a set of technologies for working with browsers and standards to work with them.

Description of all the features that HTML5 provides can be comparable in size to a large art book, which is clearly not the place in this article, in this regard, I would like to highlight two technologies that in my opinion are the most useful for ordinary users and site owners – WebSockets and WebRTC.
Before the appearance of WebSockets technology the exchange of information between the part of the site that the user sees and the part that generates the information was possible only if the user’s part fulfills the request for this information, so the “instant” messages in chat rooms, different notifications on the sites.
In fact, are not so instantaneous, to achieve this effect, there are several methods, but any of them have serious negative sides, some of them send a request to the server with a certain periodicity, usually.
Any of these methods can either create an additional load on the Internet channel, or take up a lot of extra computational time on the hosting and / or device from which the user comes to the site.
To solve such problems, with a certain periodicity, which is directly related to the growth of attendance, it is necessary to buy a more expensive tariff plan hosting provider, with a larger amount of RAM, a more powerful processor, a wider Internet channel and a limit on traffic, as well as increases the complexity of support for such systems, and with it and the cost of services of the company that performs this support.
It is WebSockets technology that allows you to solve some of these problems and significantly expand the capabilities of the system.
WebSockets is a protocol of data exchange opening on top of http, it allows you to exchange in two directions, both from the user and to him, thanks to this “server” part can send information to all users whom it should be available, immediately at the time of its receipt, and then, without additional load to perform its function on the side of the user.
At first sight the given technology can seem not so big innovation, but if to look at it in aggregate with other technologies, then there are unusually great prospects.
The most serious and a couple of years ago seemed impossible example of one of the bundles of WebSockets with other technologies is a bundle of WebSockets + WebGL, allowing you to play three dimensional online games directly from your browser, without using third-party policy plugins that can not guarantee compliance with all the necessary requirements, and performance will always leave much to be desired.